Pictures to report nr. 23
Reports Meetings Pictures
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An Uygur woman in Tashkurgan

Locals with their traditional Uygur hats

The cook in person

The cyclists are an attraction for this nosey bunch

Even watching us filtering the water is a thrill!

Welcome to China – or whatever this may mean

Chinese men and women (!) building a road

The roads are downright awful, but the panoramic view
is marvellous

Vigurian yurts

Maja washing her hair in Karakul Lake in front
of Muztagh Ata (7546 m)

Tonight there’s fried potatoes for dinner
and another great campsite!

In what stage of construction is this road?

Dunes on the road to Kashgar

Sunday market in Kashgar

Fancy some dried food?

This is how those yummy noodles are made...

How good this Chinese food tastes!

A parking lot for donkeys

Poor roads and black water in Xinjiang

A never-ending sandstorm plus roadworks

A dusty affair

Evening ambiance on the Aksai Chin Plateau

Crossing a river - this is as high as the water rose

There's indeed some nice inns at those truck stops...

... or some less inviting shacks - but when you're hungry...

Before and after giving our bikes a shower