More and more companies are using international assignments as a development tool, to build up the skills required to be successful in a globalized world: leaders with a global mindset.

We assess, design, deliver and evaluate programs aimed to develop the international perspective and competencies of your global workforce, through formal and informal learning solutions, using a variety of delivery options and media, learning methodologies, as well as instructional methods and formats for an effective outcome.


    EXECUTIVE & HIGH POTENTIAL COACHING: whether it is to build a skill, change a behavior, or prepare for a new role, we work with you on a one to one basis to help you manage the range of global leadership and management challenges that arise at different stages of your international career. We are certified in the Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching process, the world's premier executive coaching company. This method systematically involves those who work with the global leader, enabling both the rapid identification of key issues and for coaching to become embedded in day to day interactions on the job.

    REPATRIATION COACHING: the retention of corporate professionals after an international assignment is key to the future success of a global organization. We assist the returning assignee to capitalize on the perspectives and skills gained during the international assignment and to leverage this international experience back home.


    These programs provide international managers with the necessary skills to successfully collaborate, manage and lead across borders and cultures. Through tangible and practical knowledge, participants gain an understanding on how culture impacts global business and how to leverage these cultural differences.

  • Global Leadership skills
  • Cross-Cultural (virtual) Team Work
  • M&A Cultural Training
  • Cross-Cultural Management Skills
  • Multicultural Negotiations
  • Country Specific Cultural Training
  • International HR Management
  • Global Assignment Preparation Training
  • For content details and pricing, please contact us at