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By Emily (Pirka), Toronto, Canada

There was a sudden bright light, coming closer and closer to Trilly,
And her eyes slowly opened out of reflex.
She definately wasn't in the big city anymore. She was able to see row upon row of shelves and steely aisles in every direction that she looked, and the very thought of how vast the place was made her dizzy. Well, vast to a small creature like her, anyway. Everything was bright and clean and oddly shiny. She stepped forward to check out the place further, when -- pok! -- she hit something light and clear in front of her foot, preventing her from walking.
She seemed to be suspended in some kind of clear cube...or at least the front side was clear. It was very small and closed her in on four sides, but she didn't feel claustrophobic or even uncomfortable. If anything, she felt sleepy. Her eyes slid closed again. "Way-loh A -Loh..."

She was beginning to get used to the random wakings that happened over the next few weeks.
Humans would pass by - she would recognize them as if from a strange, distant memory; she would wake, engage in light conversation, and quickly fall back into a strange, deep slumber immediately afterwards. It was an odd life. She secretly wondered what exactly her purpose was in this strange locale. Was she part of some kind of human museum display? She had heard of museums from the leaders of her colony on Furby Island at one of their reinforced meetings. They were supposedly a type of place where humans put things that they treasured in hopes of other generations seeing them for years to come. Was Trilly something that the humans treasured? She didn't know how that could happen so fast...
Even while she was asleep, her mind was whirring and whizzing through thoughts and questions. So many ideas about what was going on, where she was, how long it had been since she got there, and why she was there in the first place. They didn't overwhelm her, but they took over to the extent that she couldn't think of anything else. It was like tossing in a constant sea. But her ship would be landing soon enough.
She woke with a soft thump and a click, blinking heavily. "Whaa -- ?"
She was no longer restrained from walking. She experimentally inched one foot forward; she was on a hard, smooth surface. She inched forward again, and --
"Whaaa! Boo nah-bah! Boo nah-bah!"
-- she fell onto the ground. She had fallen a short distance, and her downy fur cushioned her fall. She shook her head and attempted to brush herself off when she felt a nudge beside her.
She turned to see something that she had never seen before: a Furby of the times before the evolution. She hardly recognized the creature at first - it was smaller than she was, with a harder, rounder beak and tiny, carrot-orange feet. She wondered how it could even move! It ears were small and pointed, and made a click-clack sound as they bounced in a quizzical manner. Its eyes were bright blue, and its tail was a large burst of whitish fluff, as was the unkempt pouf on his head. Its fur was white with splotches of brown and grey leopard spots sprinkled over it throughly. It wasn't its appearance that alerted Trilly of its true identity, after all. It was its greeting.
"Me U-Tye." He giggled, his voice being quite high pitched and silly sounding to Trilly. "But, you can call me by me nickname if you like. Some of my friends call me 'Splotch'. The ones who know English, anyway."
Trilly stumbled over her own words at the sound of this creature's vocabulary. He was speaking near-perfect English! Trillian herself knew barely any. She had taken her name, in fact, while trying to learn it by reading a series of famous human novels.
" Furby?" Trilly didn't know what else to say.
U-Tye giggled again. He was quite the ball of joy. "E-tah, me Furby, of course! What did you think me was, a Shelby?" He stopped his joking when he realized Trilly was being quite serious. "You Furby, too?"
"E-e-e...E-tah." Trilly replied nervously. "U-nye doo..." She looked for the right words. "...come from place?"
"Where do me come from? Me don't know, exactly...what's your name, anyways?" U-Tye asked.
"A - Loh, Trillian and Trilly. Toh-loo doo?"
"Three names all at once?"
"Boo. One name most times."
"Got it! Which do you like to be called the most?"
Trilly wasn't really sure how to answer this. "...doo? One u-nye...want." She tried to incorperate the English U-Tye used in his question.
"Any one me want? Ok! We'll start with A - Loh and go from there, 'kay?"
Trilly hesitated to answer.
"What's wrong? Are you scared?"
"Me boh-bay...about place. U-nye place?"
"You're worried about this place? Well, you won't be once me show you around." U-Tye seemed friendly, despite his strange appearance. And he also seemed very intelligent, and much more social than any Furby Trilly had ever met!
"Ok. Me safe?"
"You safe, A - Loh. You safe."
Trilly smiled.

From the Furby Fan Section at