The A.I. Elections Advisory Council

A community of leaders working to build social trust and election resilience.

The AI Elections Advisory Council is a constructive space for experts to share key insights across civil society, government, and industry throughout the US elections.

Aspen Digital

Our Reports

See how we’re bringing clarity to complex issues across cybersecurity, empowered communities, responsible innovation, information integrity, and trusted news media.
Building a Fair Data Future

Building a Fair Data Future

Data has the potential to be useful to the community it pertains to, but it’s rarely made available to those who might benefit from it most.

A Security Symphony

A Security Symphony

Across 60 countries, governments use an array of legal frameworks, complicating efforts to regulate cyber practices around the world.

Bits, Bytes, and Loyalty

Bits, Bytes, and Loyalty

Top talent is leaving cybersecurity due to heavy workloads and burnout, making retention one of the biggest problems facing the field today.

Frontline A.I.

Frontline A.I.

Amid retention and recruitment gaps, manufacturers are considering automation. But without also centering job quality, this may do more harm.

Generative A.I. Regulation and Cybersecurity

Generative A.I. Regulation and Cybersecurity

The regulatory actions taken today will determine who benefits more from the emerging capabilities of AI – attackers or defenders.

Digital Equity Accelerator 2023 Impact Report

Digital Equity Accelerator 2023 Impact Report

10 nonprofits from 3 countries received technology tailored to their needs, cash grants from HP, and expert training across disciplines.

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What the Winners Have to Say

What the Winners Have to Say

Here’s what the winners of the 2023 Reporting on AI Hall of Fame have to say about the importance of good writing about AI.

The Business of Community

The Business of Community

“News deserts are also food, transit, and broadband deserts. Does the need for news outweigh those other concerns,” asked S. Mitra Kalita.