Swiss made software

Contact / Imprint

EAS EDV-Analyse Sandro Sabatini
Klosbachstrasse 22, CH-8032 Zurich
Phone +41 444 50 40 50, Fax +41 444 50 40 54
eas (at)

Please, pay into account that I am often out of my office with my customers.
For that reason, best chances to get in touch with me is writing an e-mail.

Social Media

Sandro Sabatini on XING EAS on Facebook

Privacy Policy

We collect certain information or data about you when you use this website, including:

  • your IP address and details of the version of the web browser you used.
  • questions, queries or feedback you leave, including your name and email address if you contact us per e-mail;

All of this helps us to improve the website by monitoring how you use it and to respond to any feedback you send us.

This web site does not use any tracking tools and therefore does also not set any cookies.

We cannot personally identify you using your data, other than where you have explicitly provided your name and email address.

Where your data is stored

We store your data on secure servers in Switzerland.

Rest assured, we won’t share your information with any other organisations for marketing, market research or commercial purposes, and we don’t pass on your details to other websites either. However, we may pass on your Personal Information to the appropriate authorities if we have a legal obligation to do so. This includes exchanging information with government departments and law agencies for legal reasons.

You can find out what Personal Information we hold about you, or ask us to correct it at any time by writing to us an e-mail. You can also ask us to delete your Personal Information at any time. Please see below for details regarding deleting your Personal Information.

Deleting your Personal Information

You may ask us to delete your Personal Information at any time by sending a request via e-mail. If you do so, we will contact the email address (to validate the request). We will then delete all Personal Information we hold about you.

Updates to this privacy policy

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is still new. As such, there may be further updates to our privacy policy over the next few months.

We reserve the right to update this privacy policy at any time without giving prior notice. If you disagree with anything in this privacy policy, please discontinue your use of the services and software provided by EAS EDV-Analyse Sandro Sabatini.