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Who does the fidbox serve?

For the Industry: Construction recommendations are supported through concrete data concerning the climatic conditions of the building site. >> more about fidbox for the Industry/wholesaler

For the wholesale: Thanks to documented product history from the factory to the end-user you can be sure to hand over a flawless to your client. >> more about fidbox for Industry/wholesalefidbox

Flooring Installer: use the safeguarded data and view the danger liability disputes in the future more relaxed. >> more about fidbox for the Installer

Expert Witness: You can gain the decisive factor through a simple access to the measuring data over the total life spectrum of the product. >> more about fidbox for the expert witness

Customer: Profit from product safety through improved prevention of improper handling. >> more about fidbox for the customer

fidbox – with security into the future

© Helmut Jilg, Jilg Ges.m.b.H 2008 | Gestaltung: d.sign Gruber & Partner KG