Glutenfreies Zopf : Gluten-free Zopf

Today’s post I’ll try to do semi-bilingual, so you can laugh at my German or skip ahead.

Normally I don’t miss bread, but Zopf is something else. Zopf is something very Swiss and to be Swiss, well… it has a lot to do with our food here too. It is part of the culture. The idea of not being able to eat Zopf anymore is pretty damn depressing. That’s why for months I haven’t attempted to bake any bread, let alone Zopf. But  last weekend I decided to give it a first go, and I’m glad I did!

There is barely anything about normal Zopf in English, let alone gluten-free varieties, so you need to consult Google in German if you are going to find a recipe. Luckily, there are actually a lot when you search in German! I normally used a recipe from Laughing Lemon, so I had to find something suitable to replace my go-to recipe.

Normalerweise vermisse ich Brot nicht, aber Zopf ist etwas besonders. Für mich ist Zopf etwas wirklich schweizerisches. Ein Schweizer zu sein bedeutet viel, auch mit alle unserem Essen hier. Also wenn ich andenke, wie ich nie mehr Zopf essen kann, könnte ich fast weinen. Darum habe ich seit Monate nicht versucht, Brot zu backen. Aber dieses Wochenende, dachte dass das schon Zeit war zu ausprobieren.

Wenn man glutenfreies Zopf will, musst man auf Deutsch im Google suchen. Leider kennen nicht viele Ausländer was Zopf ist. Am meisten denken sie dass es Challah ist. Zum Glück gibt es schon viele Rezept! Normalerweise habe ich ein wirklich gutes Rezept von Laughing Lemon, dass ich seit 2008 gebraucht habe.

I decided to start with a Zopfknöpfe (Button braids) recipe from Betty Bossi, who is kind of like Betty Crocker over here. I wanted something traditional and easy.

Zum Anfang habe ich entschied ein Zopfknöpfe Rezept von Betty Bossi zu machen, weil Betty Bossi traditionell und einfach ist. For my recipe, I used 400g of the Migros Aha flour mix.

Ich habe 400g Migros Aha Mehlmischung benutzt.

I didn’t know where to get fiber husks from, or what they even were in German before I made this, but we found them at Müller Reformhaus. They are supposed to help the dough stick together.

Die Flohsamen haben wir in Müller Reformhaus gefunden, bei alle andere glutenfrei Sachen. Sie sollten den Teig helfen zu kleben.

The recipe didn’t say, but I warmed the milk up like Laughing Lemon always suggested. It’s important not to heat the milk above 40ºC or the yeast will die.
Der Rezept hat nicht gesagt, aber ich habe meine Milch in der Mikrowelle gewärmt. Sie sollten nicht mehr als 40ºC sein, oder die Hefe sterben werden.

I made a “sponge” like Laughing Lemon suggested as well. You do this by mixing all the dry ingredients except for the salt, which you sprinkle around the outer edge and then you make a well and pour some milk mixed with the yeast in so that it can get started.
Ich habe auch ein “Schwamm” gemacht wie Laughing Lemon sagt. Das gibt die Hefe Zeit zum anfangen.

After 15 minutes the yeast is ready.

Nach 15 Minuten ist die Hefe schon fertig.

The recipe also didn’t say how long to knead it and I wasn’t sure because it’s gluten-free dough if I am supposed to knead it less or more. I used to knead my Zopf for 12 minutes and it was fine, but I kneaded this for only 5 because I was insecure.

Betty Bossi hat auch nicht gesagt wie lang ich den Teig kneten soll, also ich habe ihn für 5 Minuten mit meinem Mischer geknetet.

I also oiled my dough up with olive oil like I was taught. After 40 minutes in an oven heated to 50ºC, the dough should double.

Ich habe den Teig auch geölt. Nach 40 Minuten in ein 50ºC Backofen, der Teig ist verdoppelt.

The problem was, the dough was incredibly sticky! It was like glue.

Problem war aber, der Teig war unglaublich klebrig! Wirklich wie Klebstoff.

I tried three times to make “buttons” like the recipe said and it was almost impossible to get the dough off my fingers. “This can’t be right,” I thought, so I added in around 60g more flour and oiled my hands. Then I could sort of make knots, but they weren’t the prettiest Zopf ever. 🙁

Ich habe versucht drei Zopfknöpfe zu machen, aber nachher dachte ich “Nai, ich muss etwas wechseln. Etwas stimmt nicht.” Ich habe zirka 60g mehr Mehl zusammen gemischt und nachher versucht mit Öl den Knöpfen zu formen. Dann geht es relativ OK, aber sie sind nicht die schönste Zopfknöpfen der Welt. 🙁

After 10 minutes in the 50ºC oven again I coated the rolls in egg and let them rise another 15 minutes before baking for 25 minutes. I also added a bit of milk to the egg mix before coating.

Nach 10 Minuten wieder in geheizt Ofen lassen, mit Ei bestreichen und nochmal 15 Minuten lassen vor backen.

25 Minuten backen…

And finished! They smelled really nice and looked better than pre-baked gluten-free bread that you can buy in stores.

Und los!! Sie haben gut gerochen und sehen besser aus als fertig gebacken Brot das man im Coop kaufen kann.

I was pretty darn excited about Zopf again.

Mmmm, Zopf!! Habe ich mich wirklich gefreut.

We tried them while they were still warm.

Wir haben sie probiert während sie noch immer warm waren.

…and I have to say, they tasted pretty close to the real thing!

Ich muss sagen, es schmachte gut! Mmmmmmmm.

The problem was that the next day they already seemed much drier. Kay disagreed, but I brought one of the ones to work that had more flour added and it was really too hard for me. It was OK for Kay and he ate them all week for breakfast, almost like in the past.

Das einziges Problem ist am nächsten Tag habe ich sie wenig zu trocken gefunden, aber Kay sagt dass das nicht stimmt. Sie wären noch OK für ihn. Er isst sie diese Woche zum Frühstück, fast wie früher.

I still need to perfect my recipe, but this was an OK start. Gluten-free dough is really different than normal dough and I’m not sure how easy it will ever be to roll out some gluten-free Zopf. I’m not sure I’ll be able to make my big braids again, but I’ll try.
Ich glaube dass ich noch weitere Rezepte versuchen werde, aber diese finde ich nicht schlecht. Glutenfreier Teig ist einfach anderes als normaler Teig. Eines Tages werde ich noch mal ein grosses Zopf backen!

Gluten Free Zopf:

400 Gluten Free Flour
1 Tablespoon fibre husk1 TBS salt1 Packet of dry yeast (Swiss variety I assume, which is what I used)50g soft butter in chunks2.5dL milk, lukewarm… not higher than 40ºC180g créme fraîche1 egg, mixed up to coat the finished rolls

1. Mix all the dry ingredients, except the salt. Make a well in the middle and pour in 1dL of warmed milk mixed with the yeast. Mix together a little with the flour and let sit for 15 minutes.2. Add salt and the rest of the milk and butter and creme fraiche. Using the beaters on your hand mixer, mix the dough until it is smooth and soft.3. Roll the dough in a ball and coat lightly in oil. Cover and let rise in a warm place for 40 minutes or until doubled. You can use the oven at 50ºC.4. Quickly knead the dough again and portion the dough in 8 pieces. Roll them out and tie into knots. Place on a sheet of baking paper on a baking tray. Let them sit 10 minutes in the warmed oven again.5. Coat them in egg mixed with a bit of milk. Let them sit 15 minutes out of the oven while you heat the oven up to 180ºC. I used the bread function on my steamer oven to aid with the gluten-free baking. Bake for 25 minutes or until golden brown.
Original recipe in German / Original Rezept auf Deutsch

6 thoughts on “Glutenfreies Zopf : Gluten-free Zopf”

  1. Good for you, Katie! Bread is hard enough, let alone going gluten free and trying to do so in another language- extra gold stars for you on this one 🙂

  2. GF yeast breads are definitely tricky. The upside is that you cannot over-mix or knead them as there’s no gluten to over-develop. The downside is that they are prone to be sticky doughs and, yes, dry out quickly after baking. You could try piping your shapes for faux-braids, etc. (it’s on my list of things to try). The ones I’ve made have reheated nicely, especially when wrapped in a slightly-wet paper towel in the microwave.

    Good luck on your future Zopf adventures!

  3. Is there an English name for the fiber husks? Is it the same as psyllium husks? I had to laugh out loud when I saw this… because I never saw this product before and the second word translated is “flea sperm”. Oh that German language. I was happy to find your page. I will send my husband to migros this week…

    1. Yes I think they translate to ground psyllium. Be sure to look for them at Müller Reformhaus, not Migros! Migros would not have them.

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