
The Koveria Group supports its customers and technology partners worldwide, by providing technical and managerial services through its Belgian, Luxembourgish and French subsidiaries.

Active since 2005, our group has developed cutting-edge expertise in 3 areas:

  1. Engineering: on-site technical assistance and research in our R & D laboratory
  2. Consulting and Management: project management and change management
  3. Communication and Marketing: information management in all its forms and product/service development

Every day, our engineers provide innovative technology solutions that perfectly meet customer requirements.

In 2016, the Koveria Group set up an R & D laboratory, TECH-LAB, which has the technical resources to tackle outsourced projects, design made-to-measure solutions and develop skills in innovative technologies.

Our engineers and PhDs are graduates of leading schools and hold the same overall desire: to flourish within multicultural and multidisciplinary teams while sharing experiences and knowledge.

We organize many activities to strengthen and train our teams – travel, sports, cultural activities, continuing education. This guarantees our very low staff turnover and, most importantly, promotes openness – a determining factor for integration and the pursuit of excellence.

Our professionals are people who like to travel. They are friendly, reliable and open to the world.  Simply put, our professionals are “engineers and adventurers.”

You can contact us by clicking on this link.

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