New small molecule helps scientists study regeneration

Chemistry - Apr 23

Regenerating damaged tissues or organs has been a dream of scientists for decades. Now, researchers at the FMI and Novartis Biomedical Research have discovered a new molecule that activates a protein involved in regeneration. The tool holds promise for advancing our understanding of how organisms repair damaged tissue.

Life Sciences - Apr 22

Spatial-temporal detection of apoptotic cell death in live-cell imaging

Life Sciences

Apoptotic cell death is a crucial mechanism that contributes to tissue homeostasis and prevents the onset of several diseases.

Health - Apr 22

The enemy within: How pathogens spread unrecognized in the body


Some pathogens hide inside human cells to enhance their survival. Researchers at the University of Basel, have uncovered a unique tactic certain bacteria use to spread in the body without being detected by the immune system. In their study, they reveal the crucial role of a bacterial nanomachine in this infection process.

Life Sciences - Apr 22

Understanding muscle regeneration with zebrafish

Life Sciences

In humans, muscles can only regenerate from small injuries, such as those resulting from sporting activities.

Physics - Apr 19

Energy scientists unravel the mystery of gold's glow


Researchers have developed the first comprehensive model of the quantum-mechanical effects behind photoluminescence in thin gold films; a discovery that could drive the development of solar fuels and batteries.

Selected Job Offers
Computer Science - 22.04
Educational Game Designer 100% Hochschule Luzern – Informatik, Rotkreuz
Environment - 22.04
Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in Technische Aufsicht Bundesamt für Verkehr, Ittigen
Electroengineering - 22.04
CAD Layout R&D Engineer (F/H) 100% CSEM, Neuchâtel
Microtechnics - 22.04
System Engineer (F/H) 100% CSEM, Neuchâtel
Research Management - 18.04
2 collaborateur·trices scientifiques (60%) HES SO Valais / Wallis, Sierre
Health - 18.04
Professeur-e HES associé-e en physiothérapie HES-SO Genève
Art and Design - 17.04
Technical Artist 100% Hochschule Luzern - Informatik
Employers of the Week