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New York Times - Top Stories


Do French Voters Want the Far Right in Power? Macron Takes a Gamble.

President Emmanuel Macron has challenged voters to test their support for the far right. Were the French letting off steam, or did they really mean it?

4 min read

Conservative Dominance and Other Takeaways From the E.U. Elections

Anti-immigrant, nationalist parties made gains across the continent, but the center of European Union politics still held.

3 min read

Here’s what to know about the snap parliamentary elections in France.

4 min read




Blinken Arrives in Middle East as U.S. Pushes for Cease-Fire Vote at U.N.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken was set to meet with Israeli leaders as the U.S. asked for a vote on a proposal that neither side has formally embraced.



As His Political Alliance Breaks Up, Netanyahu Faces a Battle at Home

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel is likely to become more dependent on the right-wing partners of his coalition after the centrist Benny Gantz quit.

5 min read

Here’s what to know about the hostages who are still in Gaza.

3 min read

Palestinians in Gaza recalled “unimaginably intense” Israeli bombing during the hostage raid.

4 min read

An Italian City Wants Zelensky to Tear Down Its Signed Putin Plaque

Some residents of Bari now see the plaque as a sign of Vladimir Putin’s hypocrisy. They hope President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine will help rid them of it.

5 min read

In One Image: Sunny Days in Moscow

A photograph of a blustery day in wartime Moscow captures the feeling of triumph sweeping through Russia.

2 min read



How an American Dream of Housing Became a Reality in Sweden

The U.S. once looked to modular construction as an efficient way to build lots of housing at scale, but Sweden picked up the idea and put it into practice.

12 min read

A tall reddish modern building juts above lower multistory buildings on a snowy street.
A young child wearing a bright red shirt sits on a bicycle with training wheels in a small kitchen with white walls, cabinets and appliances. There are plants on the wall and a table with three chairs.
A young child wearing a bright red shirt sits on a bicycle with training wheels in a small kitchen with white walls, cabinets and appliances. There are plants on the wall and a table with three chairs.
Amir Hamja/The New York Times

The Quiet Voice in Kennedy’s Ear: A Former Aide to the Clintons

Jay Carson spent years as a Democratic insider. Disillusioned, he left politics and befriended Robert F. Kennedy Jr. — and is now helping his campaign.

9 min read

Jay Carson stands on a rock in a wooded, mountainous area. He wears a gray sweater and a yellow beanie. he has a thick, black beard.

He Said He Was Ashamed of Jan. 6. Now, He’s Running for Office.

Will South Carolina voters see it as a liability or an asset that this candidate stormed the U.S. Capitol?

7 min read

The president of the Teamsters union asked for speaking slots at the Republican and Democratic national conventions.

3 min read

President Biden will head back to Europe this week, while Donald Trump will have a birthday party.




How ‘The Outsiders’ Staged a Broadway Fight Club

To produce this Tony-nominated show’s climactic rumble, the creators, cast and crew give it everything they’ve got.

Assorted packaging for the fake blood.
A temperature gauge is affixed to a water tanker.
Amir Hamja/The New York Times





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