Hey:) Ich war Aupair in Allentown PA und meine Familie war der absolute Hammer! ;)

Hey :) Ich war am Muhlenberg College in Allentown und habe dort 2 Semester lang einen Zeichnungskurs besucht. Die kosten sind je nach Kurs den du belegen möchtest unterschiedlich, aber die Familie muss dir 500$ an deinen Collegekurs zahlen. Meistens besuchst du ein Semester einen Kurs deiner Wahl welcher in der Regel ca 2 Mal in der Woche für 2-3 h stattfindet. Einfach immer möglichst früh genug am College in deiner Gegend anmelden, damit du sicher noch einen Platzt in deinem Wunschkurs bekommst! LG

Thanks mate ;) Hope for more adventures to come around the world! Right on, you wont regret it! I had the best time in this little old van…

I hate it on tape, but thank you ;)


Is one short flight away. I’m tired, annoyed, can’t see an other airport or airplane anymore. I still could just sit in another airplane and disappear…What thoughts you can get with a leak of sleep and coffee! There were to many goodbyes, to many emotions that I just have the craving of being alone for a little while. I guess I have to figure stuff out now, but I actually hope everything will settle down just like that.. I’ll see….


You were the sweetest temptation. I know now why they call you sin city. You’re a heartbreaker money taker. But still, you gave me unforgettable moments. When I remember you i’m gonna smile a sneaky little smile, because only I know what you gave me. And maybe years from now I’m gonna see you again. And how we gonna laugh vegas, how we gonna laugh…