



I own the artist a full apology. My previous post on this commission was said in frustration and anger as I have been screwed on pre-paid commissions before and just thought this was another one.

However, I must take some of the blame as I also didn’t remain in contact as I should have and I didn’t add in my previous post on the subject. 

So MasterHatterMonster/YeDG. I’m making a full public apology for what I said and how unfair it was to you.

Thank you for finishing it.


Family Matters Chapter 3

Izumi Midoriya. I never got to know my Great-Grandma like my mother did yet her effect on my life was profound. I can honestly say that without her my mother and I would never have progressed as far as we did. Nor would we have known the cost of what we’d been given. It might be nice to eat anything you want and be able to stay trim with just a bit of effort, the heightened strength, the sharp senses, and all. Be that as it may, the bill for all of it had yet to come due and during that last hazy summer weekend while I was playing in the woods, my mother, as she told me years later, was having her world turned on its head. She come to Great-Grandma’s house to relax and yet got the worse shock of her life, one that was probably echoed by me when I had our family history explained to me.

I will not detail what I, and by association, my mother was told about ourselves in this book as that would counteract the point of this book. After all, I’m sure another scientist can explain the intricate nature of genetics and DNA in ways I cannot.

-Izuku Midoriya, My Mother The Warrior


Family Matters Chapter 2

Izuku, don’t believe a word of what the doctor says.” That’s what my mom had told me the day I was diagnosed as Quirkless. The same day of the robbery, ironically enough. “You won’t develop a Quirk, but he is talking nonsense when he says it’s impossible to be a hero. He doesn’t get to decide who gets to be a hero or not. No matter if you have a quirk or not, heroes are not decided by their power but by their character. All Might is always ready to help, just like you are and no doctor can say you don’t have that quality. Quirk or not, Izuku, you’re closer to All Might than most.”

As wise as those words are, I know now that she was trying to make me feel better. What good mother wouldn’t? I had all but gotten my dreams of being a hero smashed that day and she pulled me out of what could’ve been the start of a nasty depression. Still what she said stuck with me and even if she was trying her best to make me feel better, she didn’t pull that out of whole cloth. She recognized something in me that, even years later I had only just begun to grasp about myself.

Of course, after that she’d taken me to the corner store near where we lived and the rest is, as they say, is history. Our lives ended that day. She and I were changed, though we didn’t know how much at the time and the first domino in a long line of them was flicked and began to tip.

-My Mother The Warrior


Family Matters Chapter 1

It has taken me a long time to get up the courage to write this. For many reasons, I’ve delayed and postponed the publishing of this book. Mostly because of its subject matter: Inko Midoriya. I can easily imagine the reactions I’ve already gotten from that name alone.

Disgust. Admiration. Curses. Maybe even a bit of hero worship. Its a name that stirs up many feelings and even more names. Monster. Destroyer. Invader. Hero. Idealist. Wild Card. The number of pedestals that she’s been put on or forced into as some see it, is as numerous as they are vague.

I think the main problem people have with her is that she is not a clean subject. Not Black-and-White and can’t be slipped into a slot that perfectly wraps her entire being up in a little bow. Coming off the heels of massive characters like All Might and All For One, it was undoubtedly hard for her to be put into one camp or the other.

Was she a villain? No, she saved lives. Was she a Hero? No, she’s taken lives as well.

To me though, she was my mother.

So many people have gotten caught up in the results of her actions that they’ve forgotten that most of the things blamed on her were far out of her control. From the activation of our family genes to the incidents during my time a UA to our fights against the Villain Alliance to the rise of the JJE to HIM breaking out of prison, were not her fault. I know no matter what fame or infamy that these events gave her and I, my mother would’ve rather had a normal happy life. Would’ve rather had me have a normal happy life.

Instead, we both had to become strong to face what was ahead.

-Izuku Midoriya, My Mother The Warrior.


Tumblr is apparently doing some crazy nonsense again, so it seems like a good time to remind everyone that Pillowfort.io is a new social media platform that aims to give users control of their content and how it’s seen and shared, as well as provide better communication tools to promote conversation and creativity. If this sounds good to you, you can donate $5 to our PayPal and you will receive a registration link the Friday after your donation. And if you decide the site isn’t for you, you can request a refund for up to three weeks after you sign up. (All money we receive through this process is going towards paying our hosting expenses and compensating our programmers.)



Alternatives to Tumblr if Yahoo goes any further

  1. Soup.io - well-known alternative to Tumblr. Reblogging, post types, themes, collab blogs, dashboard, artsy, great community already there. Soup can auto-import everything you’ve posted on Tumblr.
  2. TypePad - Includes reblogging. Dashboard and post types similar to Tumblr.
  3. Jux - Artful posts, beautiful blogging experience

Reblogging cause one day it just may be neccessary.

It became necessary

Anonymous asked:

Happyhoganon: Is there a DBZ villain you love to hate?

Well I could be classic and cliché and say Frieza but it has to be Frieza. No other DBZ villain got the time or development like him. The androids, Buu, Cell and even the saiyans of the saiyan saga didn't get much time to really mature and make their presence known like Frieza did. He had the menace and no Villain in the series made the main cast work so hard in order to beat them before or since.


I should apologize to @rutbisbe for not posting these sooner. Part of the reason is that my computer and Tumblr barely get along and it’s already crashed once (THREE TIMES NOW!) as I tried to put this up. But I just gotta tell everyone the talent of this artist. These commissions I requested for my fanfic  The InBetween was not only worth the money but made me so happy to see. GUYS, commission @rutbisbe if you want some fantastic art. While she’s great at VegeBul, she just has a way of making a scene come to life in all those little details. LIKE LOOK AT THE SCOUTERS, THE SCOUTERS HAVE MARKINGS ON THEM. She could’ve just slapped the scouters on and that was it but those little details!!!


When you are one with the music

Luvs it



Have some more photos of her in action, because I love her:

And my all-time favorite:

Her and Gustavo Dudamel are my two faves



You know what I don’t get?  When fanfic authors apologize for long chapters.  It’s like?  You gave me bonus content, for free, and you’re sorry about it?  Bruh.  I have already named my firstborn after you.  Dude.

You know what else I don’t get?  When they apologize for short updates.  It’s like: look at these new words I gave you!  Sorry I didn’t give you even more free words.  Bro, that’s at least two words that I did not have yesterday.  For free.  Dude.  Thank you.

And another thing: when people drop out of nowhere with a surprise update and then apologize for it taking a while.  Like, dude, I wasn’t expecting anything, and you gave me words.  I thought this fic was abandoned, but wait: there’s more.  You just popped in and reminded me that this is a Good Fic that I should probably reread.  You made my goshdarn day.

Basically fanfic writers are under no obligation to publish anything so when they do update it’s always a net positive because the story is longer now, and I have something to read, so thank you so much to everyone who writes fic at whatever pace or quantity they want.


The InBetween Ch 3

The Saiyan woke with a curse on her lips, the sensation of cold knives on her skin being the cause. The woman hated this frontier planet, Planet-555, so much even before they'd arrived to clear it out. The sneering PTO officer, a yellow bug creature she hadn't bothered to learn the name of sent her team here specifically because the alien knew how much she personally hated the cold. Oh, she was going to kill that bastard when they were finished on this godforsaken ball of ice. 

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