
August 12, 2010 - 2 Responses

I’ve sent the prize off to the winner of the competition, congrats to “carriontea”.
To the rest of you, I offer a windows 7 themepack thrown together from sounds in the OAD.
Download it here.

Now, to the future!
We’re working on Broken Blade 1 right now.
We’ve gone through about seventy timers, so progress has been slow.
Translation is from The Freelance Translators.
If you are the type to donate your money to fansubs and the like, we suggest you donate to them instead, if they accept donations.

Chi’s Sweet OAD

July 23, 2010 - 8 Responses


Special thanks go to the staff at Yoroshiku, and d4rk for their OP, and ThunderEmperor for doing the ED for us.
I’d also like to thank NightDrift for making the time among his busy schedule for this show, he translates too many shows.
EagleStorm and Nekomancer too, for working diligently as always.
Skynight for trying to encode for us while Nekomancer was sick, eventually Daemon404 (Encoded the original series) offered.
Thanks to everyone for making this less-late than it would have been.

This is all we’ve planned for now. If you translate from Japanese, and have a show you want to subtitle in English join our IRC channel, or mail us.
We’d be interested in almost any show, not just ones about kittens.
Also, someone pointed this out to me recently: GBATemp Thread
It’s a translation patch for the DS game. Many thanks to those fellows on their work bringing Chi to more English-speaking people (Not us).

Download is available in our IRC channel via XDCC, and on Nyaa via torrent. Direct Download on request at the channel.


H264 Torrent

DVD Torrent

You have until Sunday to enter the competition.


April 9, 2010 - 9 Responses

This is an update:
In after some massive delay. You won’t like the reason it’s delayed, so I won’t tell you.
So, enter the competition before we release.
I made a not-so-terrible Windows 7 Themepack to be a prize for everyone who enters!

Hey, just to let you know we’ll be subbing the 10 minute OAD included with the upcoming manga release.
I’ve got it pre-ordered, and we’re going to have a raffle for the actual manga (since I don’t read Japanese), the dvd, and a dvd with our release on it. :p

Apparently, it’ll be sent out to me on 2010/04/23, which is late April.
Given I live in Ireland, May would be hopeful.

So there you have it, I hope this episode turns out well.


April 9, 2010 - One Response

UPDATE: COMPETITION IS OVER. I have emailed the winner and expect a reply within the week, if there’s no reply by Sunday morning (GMT) I’ll pick another winner.
Thank you all for entering.

So, volume 7 is being released in 2 weeks from today(23/4/10).
Here’s how you can win the manga(It’s obviously Japanese only):

Send an email with “COMPETITION” as the subject line – no quotes, to Eigo-Subs {@} Nollog {.} Net.
I set up a canned-response to tell you you’ve been entered, so don’t reply to it or send the entry again etc.
There’s no need to have anything in the actual email, unless it’s a super-cool story and you want it to be posted on here. It will have no effect on your chances of winning, the winner will be picked completely at random.
You’re limited to one entry per email address, but if you have more than one active email account, then you can enter from those too.

The active part is important, that’s what we’ll respond to to get your details if you win.

The competition ends the day after we release the OAD.
Good luck, etc.

Chi’s New Address [Batch]

December 26, 2009 - 4 Responses


Nice pic, tomopop.
Here’s the batch, this torrent uses the user account thingy on nyaa, dunno how it’ll work out.

I’d like to thank TV Tokyo for investing in this series, and caring enough to C&D our first episode from YouTube.
We as a group would also like to thank all of you who come to our IRC, or leave comments here. Even those of you who just do the stealthy downloading.

Eigo Staff –
Translation: NightDrift
Karaoke: Rofflwaffls
Timing: EagleStorm & Lefty
Typesetting: EagleStorm
Editing: Nollog
Encoding: Nekomancer

We had plans for Autumn and Winter, but Translators know Japanese, so you know how they can be…
I wanted to do Sora no Woto, but it’s going to be over-subbed and if Crunchyroll have any sense, they’ll do it too.
Maybe in Spring though?

The torrent isn’t the only way to get our chi, we have XDCC bots in our IRC channel.

There’s also a batch torrent on BakaBT.


Batch Torrent – 001-104

Week 25+26

December 21, 2009 - 9 Responses


Two weeks.
Chi finished airing late September, we’ve now finished subtitling it – late December.
BAW @ No tokyotoshokan.
Encoder needs more RAM donate to Nekomancer on rizon! :p

I read chapter 082 of the manga, and it’s almost exactly as shown in the Rush-cat episode in Week 06, so I really doubt there will be enough material for a third season. There are 110 chapters out as of now though, so you should buy the 6th volume and see for yourself.

No spoilers this time, but I will say this:
Get a box of tissues.
Seriously, I bet Kleenex sales double after 098.

The torrent isn’t the only way to get our chi, we have XDCC bots in our IRC channel.


Week 25 Torrent

Week 26 Torrent

Batch Soon.

Week 24

November 17, 2009 - 12 Responses


Still Slow.
2 weeks left, encoding.

Spoiler This week:
Chi gets lost!

The torrent isn’t the only way to get our chi, we have XDCC bots in our IRC channel.



Week 23

November 4, 2009 - 6 Responses


Still Slow.
3 week left I believe, 24 is at time.

Spoilers This week:
089: Mom gets some screen time.
090: Cat-lovers in this financial situation?!
091: DISCO.
092: Family.

The torrent isn’t the only way to get our chi, we have XDCC bots in our IRC channel. #Eigo-Subs@irc.rizon.net


Week 22

October 25, 2009 - 2 Responses


We are slowing down for no reason what so ever, as far as I know.
Other notes include we have no new show to pick up after Chi’s New Address because of a lack of translator this season, but come Winter we will be doing a show unless the fellow I spoke with has a dire change of plans.

Spoilers This week:
085: Hot Stuff.
086: Sharing Is Caring.
087: Who didn’t realise this? Also, nice that we got this out before Halloween.
088: We could all learn a thing or two from Chi.

The torrent isn’t the only way to get our chi, we have XDCC bots in our IRC channel. #Eigo-Subs@irc.rizon.net


Week 21

September 29, 2009 - 4 Responses


The .ts for the final episode (104) is out, and we’re getting the workraws flowing.

Spoilers This week:
081: Flightless birds fly.
082: Cattle was correct, but cows sounded better.
083: Sparkly treasure.
084: KON! (Maybe GON!).

The torrent isn’t the only way to get our chi, we have XDCC bots in our IRC channel. #Eigo-Subs@irc.rizon.net
We’re looking for a translator for any series within reason airing next season, we’d prefer doing Nyan Koi, but anything a Translator would like to do is up for discussion.
Contact us in our channel (see above).
