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atelier les delices du chaos k


les délices du chaos is a workshop for handmade books and prints, an urban research station, a gift shop, a nomadic portrait studio, a laboratory for old photographic processes …

les délices du chaos‘ is a fragment picked from beaudelaire’s thoughts about vertiginous modern cities in the middle of the 19th century, about the crowds and le flâneur.

behind les délices du chaos is oliver zenklusen. born in ilford, introduced to photography and print-making by his father. later taught by masters in zurich, arles and paris. more details in an interview portrait (by michael guggenheimer) and in a drawing at work (by andy fischli).


vc les delices du chaos cyanotype


for queries about prints, books, workshops … write to:
post (ät)

postal address:
stationsstrasse 21
8003 zürich

thanks to noëlito for help with the website.

copyright for all images by the authors. all rights reserved.