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Sea Shepherd Announces New Ship Bob Barker

Ship to Bear Name of Legendary Animal Rights Leader

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All profits fund marine conservation campaigns to defend, conserve, and protect marine wildlife.

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End the Bloodshed: Rally Against the Annual Massacre of 1,150 Whales & Dolphins

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Vanishing Vaquitas: The Critical Fight for Survival in the Gulf of California

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White Sharks

Save the Sharks: 11,000 Lost Every Hour, White Sharks Facing Extinction

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***PT 2. The Ghost Net***
Many of you ask us why we don’t use the crane more- well here you go folks. Crane action! 
This ghost net was a beast ball. The crew had to use the crane AND hand pulling to get this one out. 

Pulling a net is only half the job, the rest of the week is spent taking it apart, rescuing tiny crabs and creatures stuck inside it and breaking it down. Thanks for being here with us!

Never stop. STAY CONNECTED. 

Check out the LINK IN BIO for our Matching Gift Challenge this month. The rare part of the year where WE all double down for the oceans. 

#summer2024 #oceanwarriors #illegalfishing 

🎥 by @paulamosa_
***PT 1. The Ghost Net***

Ghost nets are old, discarded fishing nets that eerily float along the seafloor and trap creatures in its path. With no one coming back to get the net, what gets tapped in it, stays in it. The ocean is full of them. 

We use state of the art technology to find these nets and pull them. Once the captain spots a strange object on sonar, the boat scans over it many times, from many directions and angles. 
This helps the captain decide the best way to retrieve it. 

We then alert the navy for their agile and fast maneuvering Interceptor; they have the boat and we have the tools. 

Stay tuned to see just how difficult this net was for everyone. 

#summer2024 #illegalfishing #ghostnets

🎥 by @paulamosa_
The brutality of this hunt exceeded anything we had ever documented before. A pod of more than 200 pilot whales were hunted and driven for hours and later divided. The initial estimate of between 50 to 100 pilot whales was highly inaccurate. But, more than 200 pilot whales found themselves in harm's way.

138 whales were killed, while the remaining pod was left in the shallow waters of the fjord, traumatized and unable or unwilling to leave their family.  While it is not the highest number of whales killed, we have not previously documented such disregard for distressed and traumatized pilot whales.  More than 90 whales were in danger of beaching themselves for 24 hours.

All the whalers and those responsible for this atrocity left, the Sea Shepherd crew stayed with the pod and intervened as the whales were at risk of beaching several times. 

By late afternoon on Sunday, June 2nd, the remaining pod moved back out to sea, and the crew had more than 27 hours of documentation of the most reckless and careless hunt we have ever documented.
More to come. Stay connected. 

Follow for updates and sign up for our news letter at

#stopthegrind #whaling
Summer is in the air. We wanted to share the view. Thanks for being here with us. 
Never stop. STAY CONNECTED! 

#summer2024 #dolphins #conservation 

🎥 by @paulamosa_
The price of eating seafood year round is catching up to us, literally. 

Did you know that large gill nets kill everything in their path? 
With more and more depleted fish supplies, the larger and bigger the nets become. 
Bycatch, such as dolphins, whales, whale sharks, vaquita, and rays get snatched up with the already depleted fish. 
We challenge you to think about your food. Where is your hard earned money going and to whom? 
Can you go this week without seafood? NEVER STOP. STAY CONNECTED.

#seafood #fishing #oceanchallenge 

🎥 by @paulamosa_
Summer is here and so is the hot sun. 
This weekend we challenge you to pick up trash, where ever you go. Even if its an abandoned parking lot- it all ends up back in the ocean. 
Our crew picks up trash while we wait for our ride back out to the ship after destroying nets. Never stop. Stay connected. #summer2024 

#oceanconservation #noplastic #crewlife

For more on joining our crew visit

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