Celebrating 20 years of pavedwave.org

I’m re-focusing energy on the original intent of the page, and fixing some bugs that broke the mobile experience.

Thanks to all those in the LDP community who have contributed to the pavedwave forum, the Facebook LDP and pavedwave.org pages, and those who appreciate the roots of the 24-hour Ultraskate.

With regard to Ultraskating the old adage holds true – it is not about the destination, but the journey.








Many LDP skaters hit the roads and pumped serious distances on Dan’s Don’t Trip Bhangers, to help in vetting final design tweaks.   Butter-smooth feel and a refined “dive”, put a precision twist on the 1975 truck!



Dutch Ultra 2016

Rick Pronk joins the 300+ milers, and New Women’s World Records set!

The 24-hour Ultraskate World Rankings are now updated with results from June’s Dutch Ultra!!

– Rick Pronk joins the 300+ mile monsters
– Rosanne de Lange sets the new Women’s World Record
– Two more women join the 200-mile club
– Vandraboys set a new Team World Record
– Friendships and Ultraskate family grows!


Rick Pronk nearly ties Andy’s 309.5-mile record!   Technically it was the length of the laps of the track that kept him from “officially” being tied, as there were several minutes left on the clock, just not enough time for that critical last lap!


Rosanna de Lange, new Women’s World Record Ultraskater – 221 miles!!


New 4-man Team World Record from the Vandra boys.  318.7 miles!!




CodePink How To Pump – now on the Pavedwave Channel – thanks Vlad!


Follow our progress as we cover the 27-mile Burke-Gilman trail from Redmond to Seattle Washington — without touching foot to ground.


“That’s fantastic. I’ve never heard of that before,” said Michael Brooke, publisher of the Canada-based skateboarding magazine Concrete Wave. “I’ve heard of people pumping … but that’s unusual if they’re going for miles and miles.” – 5/17/03, The Seattle Times

2005 World Record – 25 miles pumping without a foot down!
Derek Munson rides the MS Skate almost-marathon with two bicycle escorts stopping traffic and thwarting other impediments.

The Original Pavedwave articles by Peters and Munson


Just did some LSD. What a trip!!

Long before skateboarding’s LDP there was something Joe Henderson introduced to the distance running crowd:  Long Slow Distance.   Our core concepts are very similar.   Go long, go strong, and go mellow.

This combined with running in minimalist footwear and barefoot has given me a whole new outlook on running.   For the first time I finally find it — fun!


I’d never considered myself a runner in the past, at least not the disciplined, competitive sort.   Running in typical “marshmallow” running shoes throughout high school and college, I would often go out and blast a few miles, then waddle around the next day feeling too sore too quickly, return to it sporadically, but ultimately lose interest.

Back in 2003 Derek Munson suggested I try some running since we were always doing this crazy long mileage on our skateboards, and that I’d probably be surprised with my endurance.    Turns out he was right, but at that time it only strengthened my resolve that the reason I enjoyed covering these extreme distances was because I enjoyed skateboarding so much, convinced from bad experiences that running would just leave me injured and bored again as it had in the past.

Long slow distance

Then in 2009, right after Barefoot Ted and I finished a long skateboard ride, he just skipped and skittered away on his two feet like a sandpiper.   A couple months later, I watched his girlfriend Leah do exactly the same thing, like she was floating across the ground.    WHOA!    The seed was planted.    I played around running short distances barefoot, in Vibrams, and in huaraches, always listening to the instant feedback my feet were telling the rest of my body.

A decade ago I’d never have thought skateboarding would bring me back to running — but the more distance events I skate, the more inspirational runners I meet.   Guys like Jeff Vyain, Greg Feiss, Paul Kent and others I meet each new year who all have a running history in their pasts.

Now I’m running 5+ mile stretches with ease — and digging it. Thanks fellas!



“…it’s far better to be a slow runner than no runner.”  -Joe Henderson, LSD
