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Photo of me

My name is Jeena. I'm a software engineer, my email address is hello@jeena.net.

I live in South Korea, brew beer, dry meat, play metal and develop games and other software. I'm a hobby photographer and use Mastodon and Lemmy.

This website is divided in several parts:

There is the blog for longer essays, I post short notes which are kind of like tweets and I post photos, you can think of it like my private Instagram.

Want to know more about me? Read it on the about page.

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What's new?

I bought a Weinstephan Lucky Box! But instead of a PS5 I got a original wheat beer glass, which I was already looking for here in Korea but couldn't buy. now I'm tempted to buy another one to have two. But if I'm unlucky I'll get a PS5 and will have to buy another one and another one until I get the second wheat beer glass. But it's quite expensive because the beer is imported from Germany, about 16 €, and you only get 4 beers. In Germany you can get 24 beers for the same price.


Not that it really was in the last decade or so, but Facebook is now so overrun with AI bots that it's difficult to find posts of real people. For one, real people already stopped posting on their timelines many years ago and went into private groups, so Facebook allows the bots to have at least some kind of new content when someone logs in.

Sadly I can see a lot of older people failing to recognize the bots and scams and I see them engage with them and being confused when the bots don't respond like humans.

Silesian folk songs

With example melody

Posted by Jeena

Here is a selection of silesian folk songs we couldn't find on the Internet: Jak jo żech sie urodził Your browser does not support the audio tag. Jak jo żech sie urodził na ten ubogi świat na drugi dzień żech chodził żur z kartoflami jod Jak łoiciec mit der matka pijondze chowali a m...

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