Identify, Treat and Document Impairments

of the lower limbs that cause functional limitations.

The Lambda

We understand that motivation, intensity and movement repetitions are key for physical rehabilitation. Frustration, fatigue, boredom and depression often make rehabilitation an overwhelming challenge. As a result, many patients fail to reach their full recovery potential. Working together, our physiotherapists, neuroscientists and engineers have designed a new game-based robotic therapy approach to inspire and motivate patients throughout their rehabilitation journey.

Clinical Evidence

The clinical principles applied during the Lambda therapy are based on the current guidelines and systematic reviews. Repetitive, intensive, progressive, personalized with task-oriented and multi-sensory feedback training can now be made easy.

Polyvalent Training

Its unique robotic qualities allows a wide variety of treatments, combining single or multiple-joints movements in passive, active-assisted or active modes with objectives such as force, range of movement, coordination, cadence, etc. All this with only one very fast transfer of the patient.

Learn more about exercises

Enhanced Feedback

Multi-sensory feedback is used not only for motivational purposes, but also to improve motor learning. Visual auditive and haptic feedbacks are given through the screen, loud-speakers, vibrations and movements of the device.

Learn more about our feedbacks

Evaluation & Data

The device can be used to evaluate various parameters in order to identify the impairments of the patient. The performances and evolution of the patient can easily be monitored and documented.

Learn more about it

You want to see it in live ?

No problem.

We can organize a visit to one of our reference centers or we come directly in your facilities with our demo units !

Latest News


Interview with our co-founders, Aurélien Fauquex and Yannick Charrotton, on Canal Alpha

We're delighted to share with you an exclusive interview with our co-founders, Aurélien Fauquex and Yannick Charrotton, on Canal Alpha! 🎥

In this interview, they talk about our mission at Lambda Health System: to revolutionize rehabilitation and mobility with our innovative medical robots. 🤖✨

They also discuss our recent technological advances, the challenges we've overcome and our vision for the future of physiotherapy and physical therapy. 💡

Many thanks to Canal Alpha for this opportunity to share our story and our passion for improving patients' lives through technology. 🙏

📺 Don't miss this inspiring interview and find out how Lambda Health System is changing the world of medical rehabilitation!

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Canal Alpha's report highlighting our Lambda robots

We're proud to share Canal Alpha's recent report highlighting our Lambda robots and their positive impact on physiotherapy and physical therapy.

Watch the report to discover how our robots are revolutionizing the way we approach rehabilitation and offering new perspectives to patients in Switzerland and beyond. Many thanks to Canal Alpha for this great spotlight on our mission and hard work.

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New Patent for Lambda !

The future belongs to those who know how to innovate!

It's here! A new patent that represents months of hard work by our talented team here at Lambda Health System. We're proud to see our commitment to research and development pay off.

This patent is a testament to our commitment to pushing the boundaries of innovation to deliver leading-edge mobility and rehabilitation solutions.
A huge thank you to our entire team for their dedication and ingenuity, and to our partners and collaborators for their ongoing support in this adventure!

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Lambda demonstration at the NeuroReha Congress in Czech Republic

Lambda presents its latest advances at the NeuroReha Congress in Czech Republic !
Discover our new features: proprioception feedback, joint amplitude assessment and Progressive strength training.
Many thanks to all those who visited our stand and took part in our demonstrations!

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« With its speed and ease of installation, LHS is a relevant assessment and rehabilitation device of neuromotor function. It is an innovative and polyvalent partner of rehabilitation. »

Prof. Francis Degache, PhD in Disability and Human motricity
University of Health Sciences of Lausanne

« Since the training, I walk better and I feel more confident on my feet! Exercising is very comfortable, even when I had back pain or was tired. Every stroke patient should have access to this therapy because using the Lambda robot changed my life! »

Hemiplegic patient, 20 years post Stroke

« Robotics open innovative opportunities for neurorehabilitation: to optimize treatments for specific needs. The key to success is a close collaboration between engineers and clinicians. »

Prof. Stephanie Clarke, Head of Neuropsychology and Neurorehabilitation Service, CHUV, Lausanne. President of the World Federation for Neurorehabilitation

« While walking, I am now more focused on the gait phases and I feel more the moment when raising the foot. I now come to lift my leg and can perform tasks of daily living easier, such as dressing or put a shoe. »

Hemiplegic patient, 2 years post Stroke