
Currency Conversion and Latest Exchange Rates for 90 World Currencies

1 USD = 0.93 EUR

EUR/USD = 0.9266123
AED 3.67328 JPY 156.193
ARS 884.25 KRW 1366.8
AUD 1.51313 MAD 10.0409
BRL 5.14993 MXN 16.8108
CAD 1.36702 NOK 10.8118
CHF 0.907784 NZD 1.66147
CNY 7.09359 PHP 57.8206
CZK 22.9677 PLN 3.97241
DKK 6.91317 RUB 91.6
EUR 0.926612 SEK 10.8351
GBP 0.796155 SGD 1.35325
HKD 7.81219 THB 36.7986
HUF 358.806 TRY 32.2403
ILS 3.72558 USD 1
INR 83.5063 ZAR 18.3632
BHD 0.377039 MYR 4.731
BOB 6.90326 NAD 18.3605
CLP 926.612 NGN 1444.87
COP 3878.24 NPR 133.512
DOP 58.4423 OMR 0.385035
EGP 47.0432 PAB 0.999073
IDR 16122.6 PEN 3.7099
IRR 42056.2 PKR 277.979
ISK 139.452 RON 4.61073
JMD 156.403 SAR 3.75139
JOD 0.709136 TWD 32.4088
KES 131.375 UAH 39.5805
KWD 0.30757 UYU 38.5182
LBP 89130.8 VES 36.494
LKR 299.211 VND 25449.9
AWG 1.80125 MGA 4421.08
BAM 1.81227 MKD 57.0284
BBD 2.01714 MUR 46.1082
BDT 116.892 MVR 15.4315
BGN 1.81236 PYG 7500.93
BMD 1.00246 QAR 3.64383
BSD 0.999073 RSD 108.548
BWP 13.574 SCR 13.8121
FJD 2.27122 TND 3.13325
GHS 14.0363 TTD 6.78651
GMD 67.7497 UGX 3764.83
GTQ 7.76753 XAF 607.818
KHR 4072.46 XCD 2.7026
LAK 21318.6 XOF 607.818
MDL 17.6718 XPF 111.453
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Most Popular Currencies

  1. United States Dollar - USD
  2. Australian Dollar - AUD
  3. Euro - EUR
  4. Canadian Dollar - CAD
  5. Mexican Peso - MXN
  6. British Pound Sterling - GBP
  7. Swiss Franc - CHF
  8. Japanese Yen - JPY
  9. New Zealand Dollar - NZD
  10. Chinese Yuan - CNY