Solutions that make $ense!


WE ARE ...


Why another movement? Why not the TEA-Party? We are all for the TEA-Party if it stays on economics. However, some have added religion to it. This we can't support, because it does not remain true to the TEA movement. Again, this is not about religion. It's about the size of government we want. TEA means "Taxed Enough Already". Bringing religion into this alienates many conservative liberals and independents, thus making the TEA movement smaller than it could be.

This is a centrist movement that concentrates on economics. We do not have opinions about choice, religion or marriage; and we have members from either side. These are destructive sideshows and we have some non-divisive suggestions, like how other people in civilized countries handle this, but again, these are side shows and since are going broke fast, we better concentrate on economics first.

Look, we are not "The Christian United States" as counterpart to the "Islamic Republic of Iran." We have a separation of church and state and in our country, all religions and non-religious people are welcome alike. Obey civil rights and the right for everybody to choose what they should believe in, and you fit right in. We have the freedom of speech to voice our displeasure with other believers, but that's were it ends. We do not stone people to death because they believe in something else. The state should concern itself with governing, and making sensible budgets, not go on witch hunts for infidels.

These are serious times and we have serious money problems to tackle and no time for extremists or intolerant people calling each others names. Ultimately, it's about money and if we can afford our lifestyle paid for by our own tax revenues, not borrowed money from the Chinese, or printed fake money from the Federal Reserve.

It's not about this president or the last one, or the ones before. THEY DID NOT make the budgets, CONGRESS DID, and over the last 40 years, since Nixon took us of the Gold Standard, congress spend more money, far more money and made expensive obligations and promises for future deficit spending. The little episode called the internet bubble and it's added revenues to create a temporary surplus doesn't change that equation. And what is worse, congress knew it is unsustainable, and they are only doing it to get re-elected. You have two choices to believe: Either they knew and acted irresponsible, or they didn't know and were stupid: Either way, grounds enough to get them all out of office!

But regardless, how we got here and who is at fault, we need to fix it before it's too late. Government needs to get in line with private wages and benefits, spending and benefits need to be severally cut, red take for business formation needs to be reduced and the tax system needs to be reformed. For that, we need new, serious people that do not worry about getting re-elected. Our plan will help with that too!

Then, we have a chance to maintain a life style somewhat like we are used too, although at a lower level, because what we did the last 35 years, was living on a credit card, both ourselves and our city, state and federal governments. Just the federal has borrowed 14 trillion dollar! If you count all the bonds and debt the rest of the governments have and we personally, we have borrowed 100's of trillion dollars! This has obviously greatly contributed to the lifestyle, but is unsustainable. Before we become like Island, Russia or Argentina, who all defaulted and went broke, or Greece who is on international money life support, we need to fix our budget.

After de-leveraging to real values, we hope we can grow again. Then we can argue about the side-shows. Not now. Now we have to make a plan, put it into action, feel some pain and show the world and the bond market that we can be serious people, not whining un-educated snobs claiming we are the best. We are clearly not any longer the best:

  • We spend more on healthcare and have the worst outcome.

  • We spend more on education and have the worst outcome.

  • We don't have the highest buildings, largest shopping malls, highest standard of living anymore.

  • We only have the largest deficits! So, obviously, something went terribly wrong the last 40 years.

    Email me, I like your suggestions and ideas. Thanks!

    And enjoy what everybody knows