Cycling Touring Film Festival 2010 (Begur, Espagne) Best Film

Dans le documentaire « La Fin du Voyage », le réalisateur François Althabegoïty dresse un portrait intimiste de Claude Marthaler saisi sur le vif au retour de son tour du monde à vélo. Emotions, questions, doutes, témoignages de sa mère, de ses amis, le film aborde sans artifice le Post Travel Syndrôme, ce creux de la vague qu’éprouvent si souvent les marins, les pilotes, les alpinistes ou les voyageurs posant pied à terre au terme d’un long périple. Entre la nostalgie, le présent et tirer des plans sur la comète, comment «rebondir », se ré-accoutumer à une vie sédentaire et trouver les moyens de vivre de sa passion ?

« La Fin du Voyage », co-produit par la Télévision Suisse Romande (TSR) et la chaîne privée française Voyage a été diffusé de nombreuses fois en télévison.

Il a été présenté également en public au « Festival du voyage sportif » (F-Chambéry, 2004), au « Grand Bivouac » (F-Albertville, 2004), à « Planète-Couleurs » (F-St-Etienne ,2005), au « Festival du Voyage à Vélo » (F-Paris,2009), au Festival du Voyage et de l’Aventure (F-Brout-Vernet, 2010) et au Cycle Touring Film Festival (E-Begur, 2010).

Si vous désirez un complément d’information, un DVD du film, inviter le cinéaste et/ou le voyageur pour une projection publique, n’hésitez pas : FrançoisAlthabégoïty, Production : Point Du Jour, Paris.


La bicyclette est, sans conteste, le véhicule le plus usité et le plus respectueux de la planète. Le mot cycle nous vient du grec kuklos, lui même issu de l’indo-européen kwel, exprimant l’idée de tourner autour. Aidez le yak à décliner le mot bicyclette dans toutes les langues du monde et retrouver ainsi l’insondable unité des hommes !
Pour toutes propositions, veuillez contactez directement le yak !

Afrique des Grands Lacs
(langue swahili) : baisikeli
Afrique de l’ouest (Haoussa) : dokinkarfe
Allemand : fahrrad
Anglais & USA : bicycle
Arabe : daradja
Autriche : rad


Dès octobre 2005, Claude reprendra la route pour un long voyage à bicyclette en compagnie de Nathalie Pellegrinelli. Cette rubrique relatera leur périple d’une manière irrégulière et spontanée, reflétant par-là même leur liberté. Car, aujourd’hui, au travers de l’utilisation de l’internet, le voyageur vit quelque chose de paradoxal : si il part mentalement bien avant de partir physiquement, en prenant la route, il part physiquement, mais reste mentalement. Le voyageur nous fait de moins en moins partager son regard, ni celui de l’Autre. Nous le suivons à travers une loupe, le voyant lui seul évoluer sur une planète transformée en simple décor. Nous vivons le leurre de l’immédiateté, l’ère du voyage-reality-show.
Mais en réalité, le voyage n’est pas seulement affaire de décalage-horaire, mais de décalage tout court. L’aventure, c’est aller vers l’inconnu ; éthymologiqument, un événement qui rompt la calme succession des jours et provoque l’étonnement, la surprise, le mémorable…

Le quotidien fribourgeois La Liberté ainsi que le bi-annuel Velo Romand feront également part de leurs aventures. De temps à autre, le magazine bi-semestriel VeloVision publiera des sujets sur la culture de la bicyclette à travers le monde.


When traversing challenging warehouse terrains, have you ever considered the reliable ally that a diesel forklift could be? With their sturdy build and robust features, these machines are designed to handle the toughest of surfaces with ease. Imagine the efficiency and peace of mind that come with smoothly transporting heavy loads across uneven warehouse floors. Stay tuned to discover how these diesel forklifts overcome obstacles and provide a stable solution for your warehouse operations.

Enhanced Maneuverability on Uneven Surfaces

When operating diesel forklift by in warehouse settings, their enhanced maneuverability on uneven surfaces allows for smooth navigation and improved efficiency. The forklifts’ robust tires and powerful engine enable precise control over rough terrain, ensuring stability while transporting goods. This capability reduces the risk of accidents and damage to both the forklift and the materials being handled, enhancing overall productivity in the warehouse.

Increased Load Capacity for Heavy Materials

With an enhanced load capacity designed for heavy materials, diesel forklifts in warehouse settings provide efficient and secure transport solutions. These forklifts offer the capability to handle bulky items with ease, ensuring smooth operations in demanding environments. The increased load capacity allows for the safe transportation of heavy materials, contributing to enhanced productivity and streamlined logistics within the warehouse setting.

Improved Durability in Harsh Environments

Enhance the resilience of diesel forklifts in warehouse settings by fortifying their construction with reinforced frames, heavy-duty tires, and protective coatings. Implementing sealed electrical systems and corrosion-resistant materials further safeguards against environmental elements. Utilize advanced filtration systems to guarantee peak engine performance in dusty or debris-filled areas. These enhancements collectively extend the lifespan of diesel forklifts in demanding warehouse environments.

Optimized Performance for Efficient Operations

To optimize the performance of diesel forklifts in warehouse operations, meticulous attention to maintenance schedules and adherence to manufacturer guidelines are paramount. Regularly checking engine oil levels, inspecting hydraulic systems, and monitoring tire pressure guarantees peak efficiency. Proper fueling practices and timely filter replacements also play a role in sustaining performance. Following these steps diligently secures smooth operations and maximizes the lifespan of the diesel forklift in demanding warehouse environments.


Step into the world of air cargo in Singapore, where innovations and technology are revolutionizing the industry. From enhanced tracking to streamlined customs processes, you’ll discover the value-added services that are reshaping the way goods are transported by air. Cutting-edge solutions are paving the way for a more efficient and reliable air cargo experience.

air cargo in Singapore

Evolution of Air Cargo Handling

You have witnessed the evolution of air cargo handling as it has transformed through advancements in technology and operational efficiency. Modern air cargo handling has become more streamlined and precise, thanks to the implementation of automated systems for tracking and managing shipments. With the use of state-of-the-art equipment, such as automated forklifts and conveyor systems, the loading and unloading processes have become faster and more efficient. Furthermore, the integration of digital platforms and real-time tracking capabilities has significantly improved the transparency and security of air cargo operations. These advancements have not only enhanced the speed and accuracy of cargo handling but have also led to a reduction in errors and operational costs. As a result, air cargo handling has evolved into a more reliable and customer-centric service.

Enhanced Tracking and Visibility

The implementation of advanced tracking systems has revolutionized air cargo operations, providing real-time visibility and precise location data for shipments. With the use of RFID tags, GPS technology, and advanced software, you can now monitor your cargo throughout its journey, ensuring transparency and security. This enhanced visibility allows for proactive decision-making, as you can quickly identify and address any potential delays or issues that may arise. Furthermore, the ability to access real-time updates on the location and condition of your cargo empowers you to provide accurate information to your customers, ultimately improving customer satisfaction. This level of transparency also contributes to the overall efficiency of air cargo operations, as it enables better planning and resource allocation. Enhanced tracking and visibility are indeed transforming the air cargo industry, offering a competitive edge and peace of mind to all stakeholders.

Streamlined Customs Processes

Implementation of streamlined customs processes in air cargo operations has significantly reduced clearance times and enhanced overall efficiency. By leveraging advanced technology and automated systems, customs clearance procedures have become more efficient and reliable. This has led to faster processing times, reduced paperwork, and minimized delays. Additionally, the implementation of electronic documentation and digital submission of clearance forms has further expedited the customs process. Through seamless integration with customs authorities and the use of electronic data interchange, air cargo operators have been able to achieve quicker clearance of shipments, contributing to improved supply chain performance. These streamlined customs processes have not only benefited air cargo operators by saving time and costs but have also enhanced the overall competitiveness and attractiveness of Singapore as a regional air cargo hub.

Cutting-Edge Technology Solutions

By incorporating advanced tracking systems and cloud-based logistics platforms, air cargo operators in Singapore are revolutionizing their operations with cutting-edge technology solutions. Real-time tracking technologies allow for precise monitoring of cargo, enhancing transparency and security throughout the supply chain. Additionally, the implementation of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms enables predictive maintenance, optimizing the efficiency of cargo aircraft and reducing downtime. Furthermore, the utilization of blockchain technology enhances data security and facilitates seamless transactions between multiple parties. These technological advancements not only streamline processes but also provide real-time insights into inventory levels, leading to better inventory management. Embracing these innovations positions Singapore as a leader in air cargo technology, paving the way for enhanced operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.


You might think that finding personalized online furniture is a hassle, but in Singapore, it’s easier than you think. With top online stores offering custom sofa creations, bespoke dining tables, unique bedroom furniture, and personalized home decor accents, you can easily find the perfect pieces to match your style and space. So, why settle for mass-produced options when you can browse and order personalized furniture from the comfort of your home?

online furniture in SG

Custom Sofa Creations

Looking to personalize your living space? Consider creating a custom sofa that perfectly fits your style and needs. With custom sofa creations, you have the freedom to choose the size, shape, fabric, and even the cushion firmness to ensure that it complements your lifestyle and preferences. Many online furniture in SG offer easy-to-use customization tools that allow you to visualize and design your ideal sofa from the comfort of your home. Whether you prefer a sleek modern design or a cozy traditional look, customizing your sofa allows you to express your individuality and create a focal point for your living room. Plus, with the ability to tailor the sofa to your specific space requirements, you can optimize both comfort and functionality in your home.

Bespoke Dining Tables

When it comes to personalizing your living space, consider investing in bespoke dining tables to elevate your dining experience and tailor the furniture to your specific needs and style. Bespoke dining tables offer the opportunity to create a one-of-a-kind piece that perfectly fits your space and reflects your personal taste. Whether you prefer a modern, minimalist design or a more traditional and ornate style, bespoke dining tables allow you to choose the materials, dimensions, and finishes that align with your vision. Additionally, you can work with skilled craftsmen to incorporate unique features such as intricate wood carvings, metal accents, or personalized engravings. By opting for a bespoke dining table, you can ensure that it becomes the focal point of your dining area while serving as a functional and aesthetically pleasing piece of furniture.

Unique Bedroom Furniture

Consider adding a unique touch to your bedroom with a custom-made bed frame that reflects your personal style and enhances the ambiance of your space. Look for online stores that offer personalized options such as handcrafted wooden bed frames with intricate designs or sleek, modern metal frames with a personalized touch. Additionally, consider unique bedside tables or nightstands that complement your bed frame, providing both functionality and aesthetic appeal. Look for pieces that offer storage solutions or unique design elements to elevate the overall look of your bedroom. Don’t forget to explore customized headboards or statement lighting options to further enhance the uniqueness of your bedroom furniture. By selecting personalized bedroom furniture, you can create a space that truly reflects your individual style and personality.

Personalized Home Decor Accents

Personalize your home decor with unique accents that reflect your individual style and add a personal touch to every room. Consider custom throw pillows with your favorite quotes or monogrammed initials for a cozy living room vibe. Personalized photo frames can showcase cherished memories while adding a decorative element to your shelves or walls. Customized wall art, such as canvas prints of your own photographs, can make a statement and tie the room together. For a touch of elegance, personalized vases or decorative jars with engraved patterns or your name can elevate the look of any space. Don’t forget about personalized candles or diffusers with your preferred scents to create a welcoming atmosphere. These personalized home decor accents will truly make your space feel like your own.


When you choose to volunteer Singapore, you can do as little or as much as you desire. You can come to be a volunteer that provides dishes for senior citizens who might not have a warm dish without your aid.

We understand that every person in Singapore is rushing about dealing with their daily lives. When you take a little time to slow down and also volunteer in Singapore at, the incentives will certainly come back to you.

Strangers you may pass when you stroll down the street are dealing with unbelievable things in their life. There are various other things you and also your family can do to aid others in your neighborhood. You can pick to be the finest individual you can be by being a part of volunteer chances Singapore.

All volunteer opportunities are subject to transform. In the end, no matter what you choose to do with your time while volunteering, you will constantly be functioning towards a better Singapore for all that call it house.

You must urge your friends and family to offer Singapore. When more individuals agree to volunteer in a community, that community comes to be a better area to be. It will certainly show that you are a great individual as well as an excellent resident, but beyond that, it will prove that you are a great neighbor to have. Does not that sound like a wonderful means to spend your spare time?

There are numerous areas to offer in Singapore. New chances are showing up often. In the future, there may be volunteer opportunities that enable you to get in touch with younger family members and also children if you choose to. You can offer in medical care or special requirements if you have the skills to help in those areas. You might select to volunteer as a tutor or assist people with disabilities maintain their feeling of freedom. This enables the area to thrive, as well as you to recognize that you are doing something remarkable for those around you.

You can invest a whole day offering or spend simply a little of your time. You are in control of your time when you take benefit of volunteer chances Singapore. You do not have to punch the clock so that a person else can maintain up with your time there.

The excellent thing about volunteer possibilities Singapore is that it allows you to offer all that you can to the area that you belong of, in whatever way that you can. It enables you to reveal your household that it can feel excellent to do good ideas for others, anticipating absolutely nothing in return. There may even be some opportunities for you and also your household to volunteer in Singapore as a group.

There are several methods that you can discover what is readily available if you are curious regarding your volunteer opportunities or want to uncover locations to offer in Singapore. One alternative is to check out the list supplied by Touch where they can talk to you regarding the numerous possibilities that are available.


Yet it will not remove all of it if you have an electrical forklift after that you will certainly avoid some of the regular servicing as well as maintenance in Singapore. The reason there are some things you can prevent is basic. An electrical forklift has less moving parts and also you obviously do not need to bother with its gas consumption. However, it does still have hydraulics to handle and also fluids to preserve. If something does go wrong with it, you will certainly still have the inescapable repair work.

If you are not sure just how to effectively service diesel forklift you need to hire somebody who learns about it. You can obtain servicing in Singapore with convenience and also they will certainly know all the steps to take when it comes to keeping all the relocating parts well lubricated as well as checking other liquids to make certain that they are. Usually you will find that a few of the most routine maintenance requires take place based on how much you actually use your forklift.

diesel forklift

When it concerns forklift maintenance, repair work, as well as maintenance in Singapore, you need to discover a firm or a person that is able and reputable to keep up with the needs you place on your forklift. You need to do a little study to find what other people who utilize their services have to say regarding them if needed. You may also would like to know whether they will involve you or if you need to go to them so as to get your devices serviced. Your devices is a beneficial part of your firm. You ought to make sure that they will certainly also position a high value on your devices.

When it comes to forklift servicing, fixing, and also upkeep in Singapore, do you understand all that is required? It is all extremely essential for you to do if you desire a forklift that works as tough as it must for you.

You ought to locate out what solutions are provided by any person that declares to be able to handle forklift servicing, repair services, as well as maintenance in Singapore. Ask them if they are willing to handle periodic maintenance as well as a total system overhaul sometimes.

Regular upkeep in Singapore is additionally a great concept. If you can handle your own maintenance then that is an excellent point, however, if there is something your crew is unable to deal with, you most definitely ought to seek advice from the people who find out about your diesel forklift. They will understand all the things that it might need if you intend to keep it striving for you.

Possessing a forklift needs a whole lot of maintenance sometimes. That is why you can get forklift servicing, repair work, as well as maintenance in Singapore no matter what type of forklift that you may have.

If you have a forklift that requires repair in Singapore, you will additionally take pleasure in just how easy it is to find. Either method, when it comes to a forklift, repairing the trouble prior to it becomes a significant concern is always best and a lot more price efficient.


Whenever you decide to purchase domain registration at, you may be provided some add-on solutions such as hosting and email. Whether these add-ons are supplied totally free or at a cost, it is important that you review very carefully the additions in their package to ensure that you have a total understanding of what you’re paying for. If anything seems uncertain, don’t have reservations of asking the registrar.

A rewarding domain name registrar will certainly likewise have excellent customer assistance. The simple reality that a domain registrar immediately replies to your inquiries is a good indicator that they have worth client service. You may examine whether the registrar has online conversation areas on their site, 24-hour technical support, and also fast action time from your questions.

While you might be attracted to go with totally free domain name enrollment solutions, keep a good range far from these because they often give you frustrations sooner or later. Never ever before leave the fate of your precious company to opportunity and so you must prepare to make the essential financial investments to purchase domain name enrollment. Remember that you always obtain what you spend for.

It is ideal that the domain name registrar you select will certainly have a solid notice system, especially when your registration is about to become run out. You may have the ability to find out more on this matter by checking out forums as well as refer to the experiences of various other individuals. Some registrars are able to give their clients an expansion period simply in situation they fail to renew their registration before the expiry date.

Prior to you determine to purchase domain registration with any domain name registrars, it is important that you do business with one that is respectable and reputable. If you wish to configuration an internet site for business objectives, your option of domain name registrar can make or damage every little thing for you. This decision doesn’t need to be a daunting task though as long as you bear in mind several of the reminders in the succeeding paragraphs.

You need to have the ability to acquire domain enrollment for an affordable price of $10 as well as don’t go listed below that price as long as possible. The legitimacy of domain registration is usually one year, however there are additionally some firms that provide free enrollment for the 1st year as well as settlement begins on the second year. Regardless of how much time the enrollment legitimacy is, make sure you know it and also restore it on time.

When you start searching for a domain registrar, you can merely just visit your favored internet search engine and search for the top 5 or leading 10 domain name registrars and also keeping that you have actually easily limited your options. You can likewise check out some on-line discussion forums that talk about the quality of solutions provided by domain registrars.

An excellent sign of the integrity and credibility of a domain name registrar you wish to acquire domain name registration from is their accreditation with the ICANN or Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. A company needs to put and also have certain credentials out some financial investment in order to have this certification and also this means that they plan to provide quality solutions for the long-lasting.