The Living Word of God

While doing my morning devotional today, I came across this verse in Hebrews 4:12 ” For the word of God is living and active.  Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirits, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”  I was very moved by this, and thought it was so powerful.  One of the questions in my devotional (Discovering God’s Will for your Life, a Women of Faith study guide) was how can the word of God, which was written apply to today?  The Bible still applies to situations we encounter today.  We can look to verses to guide our actions as Christians.  It teaches us the virtues we should have.  It guides us in how to think, act, and changes our spirits from within, helping us turn away from our sinful natures and towards the One who offers salvation for us all.  The Bible commentary I am using broke down Hebrews 4:12 by saying that the word of God is the measuring stick Christ will use at the judgement, and references 2 Corinthians 5:10 “For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.”  It goes on to say that God’s message is alive and active, it penetrates the innermost parts of a person.  The Bible also distingueshes what is natural (“soul”) and what is spiritual (“spirits”), as well as the thoughts (reflections) and intents (insights) of a person.  The word of God exposes the natural and spiritual motivations of a believer’s heart.  The word is still active and living today, thousands of years after it was written.  The Bible will penetrate your mind, body, and spirit and the more you read and grow spiritually the more you will become changed for the better.  I pray that this message speaks to you in some way today.  I pray that as you read this, you will become thirsty for the word of God, just like I am.  I pray we will continue to grow spiritually so that we may bring others to the kingdom of Christ.  How can I pray for you today?


Palm Sunday

Today marks the start of a very important week to Christians around the world as it is Palm Sunday and the first day of Holy Week. Mark 11:1-11 describes Jesus entering into Bethany and Bethpage riding on a donkey that had never been ridden before. He had instructed two disciples to pick up a donkey that had never been ridden before, and told them exactly where it was tied up. In Bethany/Bethpage Jesus was well known, as this is where he had raised Lazarus from the dead, so his reputation preceeded him. When these disciples had been asked where they were taking this donkey, just hearing it was for Jesus made the people stop asking. As Jesus rode into the town riding this donkey, people laid down their coats and branches. Back in this day, the actions could be compared to rolling out the redcarpet for someone. The Rabbi’s and Jewish priests had decided that they were not going to kill Jesus during Passover week, fearing this would start a riot. By Jesus riding into town like the Royalty He was, and such a crowd being formed he was basically forcing the hands of the Rabbi’s to fulfill the prophecy of his death, and there is actually prophecy in the Old Testament talking about him riding into town on this unridden donkey. Previously, Jesus had tried to stay very low key, not wanting to upset the Jewish leaders. But, He knew the task he came to this earth to fulfill. He knew that being so open with so many people around would help this come true, since they did not want to start a riot by killing Him during Passover week. I pray that God speaks to you through this message today. I pray you have a thirst for increased spiritual knowledge, and I pray that whatever needs, trials, and tribulations you may be facing will be filled according to His will. Jesus was sent to this earth for you and for me. To die for our sins. How can I pray for you today?

Experiencing the Grace of Jesus

Romans 5:6-8 “When we were unable to help ourselves, at the moment of our need, Christ died for us, although we were living against God. Very few people will die to save the life of someone else. Although perhaps for a good person someone might possibly die. But God shows his great love for us in this way: Christ died for us while we were still sinners.” (Emphasis is my own.)

My devotional today was about “experiencing the Grace of Jesus.” How amazing is it that even in our worst sin God loved us! Romans 8:1 states “Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.” He is waiting patiently for you to turn to Him, and give your life freely to Him! Accept Him into your heart, and experience a “peace which transcends all understanding” (Philippians 4:7). 

This really spoke to me today. I was not able to sleep, and a great friend told me once that maybe that happens because God is trying to tell you something. So, I was taking a bath with my essential oils, listening to my praise and worship music, and praying. I had the overwhelming feeling to get on my knees and pray for someone close to me. This person has struggled recently, and they haven’t fully accepted Jesus into their heart. I don’t know what they are going through, but I know the Holy Spirit moved me to be in prayer for this person. 

Lately, I have felt the presence of my Grandmother and Aunt D so strongly. In a dream last night I felt Aunt D’s presence, but I don’t remember the dream anymore. They would both struggle with insomnia, and get out their Bible. My prayer is that everyone I come into contact with experiences Jesus light and love through my spirit. 

I pray that the Grace and Peace of Jesus fills your life today!! Please leave your prayer requests below, and I would love to pray for you!  

From my Max Lucado devotional. 

      We must be the light of the world to those around us–in this lost and hurting world!

No matter our toughest struggle, it’s nothing compared to what Jesus suffered on the cross!!  

A Little About Me….

Hey! My name is Tiffany. I have a very strong faith in Jesus Christ. I’m also a travel nurse, currently in Virginia; and as much as I miss my family I love being a gypsy! I travel with my boyfriend, Eric and my Shih Tzu Jasmine. I’ve been a nurse now for almost 7 years, and love it every day–it’s my passion! My goal is to become a DNP, and I’m currently attending GCU for my BSN online. My hobbies include growing closer to God, spending time with family and friends, reading, any type of art, geocaching, traveling, exploring new places and making new friends, and generally loving life (most days!). 

I was raised by my single mom and my aunt with my sister, Danielle, and cousin, Zech. My dad was a drug addict, so for most of my childhood he was not there. My grandpa and grandmother were also huge influences in my life. My grandmother and Aunt D are both in heaven, but I feel them frequently with me. I have extended family with my sisters husband, Nates family. Zech is married to a wonderful woman, Mari and they have one son, Liam and Harper Jo is due in May! 

I thought I would give writing a blog a try. I love to share my faith in Jesus, my passion for nursing, and my travel adventures.  


Eric and I 



   My love and I 

   My sidekick and partner in crime-Mom


  In Houston


  The light of our lives! Liam