Shell Contractor Services - Florida

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Our goal is simple: Delivering a quality product within the build time.

Why Choose Us

We understand the level of detail and professionalism our customers require. From our pre-construction meetings, to inspecting each stage of the building process, and finally ending with a satisfied customer our goal is very simple: to deliver a quality product within the build time.

CALL US: (813) 397-6100

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Our Contracting Services

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Slab Masonry

Our expertise in slab masonry ensures the solid foundation upon which your construction project stands. We meticulously pour, level, and cure each slab, guaranteeing a durable and reliable base for your structures.


Block Masonry

Crafting with precision, our block masonry services create walls that are not just sturdy but also aesthetically pleasing. We understand the importance of combining functionality with beauty, and our block masonry exemplifies this fusion.



Framing is the skeleton that gives shape to your vision. Our framing services involve the assembly of structural framework with accuracy and expertise. We understand that a strong frame is essential for the longevity of your project.

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Our Team

Behind every successful project is a dedicated team. Our team comprises experienced professionals who are not only skilled in their respective roles but also share our commitment to excellence. Together, we turn blueprints into reality.

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At Leola Construction, we are more than just a construction company; we are a community. We take pride in our contributions to local development and growth. Our commitment to social responsibility and giving back is what sets us apart. When you choose us, you choose a company that cares.

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What We Do Best

We know construction is an art form. Each task has its own unique challenges, which is where we thrive. Our customers consist of national home builders, private equity, and build-to-rent production builders across Florida.

Contact Us Today


Our Service Areas

Leola Construction is your trusted shell contractor, proudly serving Ocala, Tampa, Sarasota, Ft. Myers, Orlando, and the surrounding areas. Our footprint spans across Florida, and our reputation for excellence follows us wherever we go.

When you choose Leola Construction, you're not just choosing a construction company – you're choosing a partner who is committed to turning your vision into reality. Contact us today to embark on a journey of excellence in construction.

Learn More Call Us: (813) 397-6100

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Residential Homes

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Happy Builders

Ready to get started?