Global Penfriends

Find Snail mail and internet friends from around the world. Safe, secure and family friendly.

Find new International Friends

Our penpals are from all over the world, interested in new friendships, exchanging culture, learning a language, travel and education. Our snail mail members enjoy exchanging Letters, Postcards, Mail-Art, Candy and much more. Global Penfriends is a family friendly, secure place to meet new pen pals. All ages are welcome (School age to Seniors) Correspond by old fashioned snail mail or internet.

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Correspond with your penpals via our secure online messaging system or start sending letters to your penpal by post and become snail mail pen pals.

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International friendship by Post or Internet

Global Penfriends has been connecting Penpals by post and internet for over 25 years. Start writing a letter or send a message to a new friend today.

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Popular Penpal Groups

Members can select penpals based on common interests such as, international friendship, snail mail exchange, language partner, travel friends, candy swaps, mail art, parcel exchange, postcard exchange.

What our members say

I have met very good friends here. They've been in Contact ever since and we share our different cultural experiences.

Penpal Shiku

24 (Female)

There were so many responses to my profile, I feel badly I only selected two. That's all I can manage.

Penpal Girlfriend4ever

85 (Female)

I like Global Penfriends. The platform helps penpals meet from all around the world. that's all.

Penpal kiki_11

13 (Female)

I have used multiple pen pal websites but Global Penfriends has the best layout and system to connect people with their ideal pen pals. Since I could customize my searches down the the small details, I was able to find friends in several countries who share similar interests and goals with me, and it was easy to keep track of our messages and letters. This site is a secure and user-friendly place to meet interesting and kind people from all over the world. Just have an open mind and you’re sure to find wonderful pen pals.

Penpal MaVieEnRose

18 (Female)

This is very good website. We can meet new friends from different countries. I think this is very good good

Penpal Hasi926

12 (Female)

Advised! It's a unique experience to be able to meet people all over the world. The site is easy and intuitive and allows you to start conversations with people who have the same interests as you. Consigliato! E' un'esperienza unica poter conoscere persone in tutto il mondo. Il sito è facile e intuitivo e ti permette di iniziare conversazioni con persone che hanno i tuoi stessi interessi.

Penpal Betta83

40 (Female)

I have had the pleasure of meeting many new people from across the ocean that I may never have met otherwise. I travel very little, and although I hope to meet some of these friends in person in the near future, there is something heartfelt and comforting in exchanging messages with them. Thank you for your charming and safe site!

Penpal ManonMaeve

49 (Female)

Had some trouble updating my profile but once done was able to find a new friend easily now we have conversations daily which I think is interesting to both of us

Penpal Stonecat

71 (Female)

It is a pleasure to make friends with foreign friends..I also like to study foreign languages.I also like to know the culture of foreign countries. Thank you Global Penfriends

Penpal Randi

20 (Female)

only time will show how good is to have good friends, I always treasure these connections, which has brought me a new view to my life

Penpal Slavka

50 (Female)