
Currency Conversion and Latest Exchange Rates for 90 World Currencies

1 USD = 0.94 EUR

EUR/USD = 0.9352175
AED 3.67409 JPY 158.192
ARS 874.767 KRW 1377.89
AUD 1.53085 MAD 10.0957
BRL 5.11607 MXN 17.1651
CAD 1.36691 NOK 11.0369
CHF 0.914629 NZD 1.68362
CNY 7.10045 PHP 57.7141
CZK 23.5505 PLN 4.0373
DKK 6.97465 RUB 91.8791
EUR 0.935217 SEK 10.9492
GBP 0.800439 SGD 1.36247
HKD 7.82837 THB 37.0047
HUF 366.776 TRY 32.5002
ILS 3.82247 USD 1
INR 83.399 ZAR 18.8048
BHD 0.37708 MYR 4.78794
BOB 6.95802 NAD 18.9298
CLP 949.489 NGN 1307.09
COP 3968.51 NPR 133.758
DOP 58.587 OMR 0.385095
EGP 47.8972 PAB 1.0033
IDR 16244.4 PEN 3.75454
IRR 42075.4 PKR 279.315
ISK 140.576 RON 4.6542
JMD 156.621 SAR 3.75298
JOD 0.708895 TWD 32.6034
KES 132.932 UAH 39.7286
KWD 0.308182 UYU 38.6591
LBP 89844.6 VES 36.3717
LKR 296.037 VND 25345.2
AWG 1.80165 MGA 4443.14
BAM 1.8291 MKD 57.5673
BBD 2.02577 MUR 46.3868
BDT 110.113 MVR 15.51
BGN 1.8291 PYG 7470.52
BMD 1.0034 QAR 3.65839
BSD 1.0033 RSD 109.555
BWP 13.8103 SCR 13.5466
FJD 2.26351 TND 3.14514
GHS 13.5896 TTD 6.8168
GMD 67.9507 UGX 3826.91
GTQ 7.77619 XAF 613.462
KHR 4075.68 XCD 2.70505
LAK 21420.2 XOF 613.481
MDL 17.7748 XPF 111.655
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Most Popular Currencies

  1. United States Dollar - USD
  2. Australian Dollar - AUD
  3. Euro - EUR
  4. Canadian Dollar - CAD
  5. Chinese Yuan - CNY
  6. Japanese Yen - JPY
  7. British Pound Sterling - GBP
  8. Mexican Peso - MXN
  9. Philippine Peso - PHP
  10. Swiss Franc - CHF